Science of Salt Weekly
A weekly newsletter containing brief summaries of Medline articles related to dietary sodium is now available. Funding for the 2-year initiative was provided by the Canadian Stroke Network and the George Institute for Global Health.
To sign up for the Science in Salt Weekly newsletter, visit:
Upcoming Webinar on Sodium Reduction
A new webinar, “The Journey to EO 13-06: How Washington State Adopted a Policy to Improve Food on State Property” will take place on February 25th, 2014 from 3:00-4:00 pm Eastern. The webinar is being hosted by The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), the Food Marketing Workgroup, and National Policy and Legal Analysis Network to Prevent Childhood Obesity (NPLAN) and will discuss development from policy idea to creation of Washington State Executive Order 13-06, which requires all executive agencies to adopt and fully implement the Washington State Healthy Nutrition Guidelines by the end of 2016.
To register for the webinar, visit:
Global Sodium Reduction Initiatives
On December 9 and 10, 2013 Mexico hosted the “Technical Meeting-workshop on setting targets and timelines for dietary salt reduction”. Thirteen countries participated and discussed steps toward setting sodium reduction targets for food categories and advances made in country initiatives to reduce sodium. The meeting was led by the Pan American Health Organization Technical Advisory Group on Cardiovascular Disease Prevention through Dietary Salt Reduction, Sub-group on liaison with the food industry.
More information about the meeting may be found here:
Similarly, WHO/Europe is working with Member States to develop policies allowing engagement of stakeholders around reformulating major sources of dietary salt intake. The Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Programme recently organized and participated in a series of public-private workshops with the goal of improving collaboration, including the "Workshop on methodological aspects of health effect protection of salt reduction", the "Joint workshop on strategies to reduce salt or other selected nutrients in processed foods", and the "Joint multisectoral workshop on strategies to reduce salt intake and content of salt in foods".
To learn more about the workshops, visit: