Recent Sodium Research: Excess Sodium Intake in Teens; Lower Sodium Intake Lowers Cardiovascular Risk
A recent study involving 766 healthy white and African American adolescents aged 14 to 18 years, published in the journal Pediatrics, found that average sodium intake was 3,280 mg per day. In the cross sectional study, authors estimated sodium intake using 7-day 24-hour dietary recall data. Results indicate that excess sodium intake is positively associated with adiposity and inflammation independent of total calorie and sugar-sweetened soft drink intake. The study, “Dietary Sodium, Adiposity, and Inflammation in Healthy Adolescents” may be found here:http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2014/01/28/peds.2013-1794.full.pdf.
Another recent study, “Lower Levels of Sodium Intake and Reduced Cardiovascular Risk” published in Circulation found that lower levels of sodium intake lead to reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. Study authors analyzed data from phase I and II of the Trials of Hypertension Prevention (TOHP), which collected multiple 24-hour urine specimens among pre-hypertensive individuals. Results indicate that, after 10 or 15 years of follow up, those with sodium excretion of <2,300 mg/24hr had a 32% lower risk of cardiovascular events and death compared to those with a sodium excretion between 3,600 mg and 4,800 mg/24hr. The study may be found here: http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/early/2014/01/10/CIRCULATIONAHA.113.006032.full.pdf.
AHA Science Advisory Conclusions of a new Science Advisory released by the American Heart Association, “Methodological Issues in Cohort Studies That Relate Sodium Intake to Cardiovascular Disease Outcomes” indicate methodological issues may be responsible for inconsistent findings from observational studies relating sodium intake to cardiovascular disease (CVD). According to study authors, “Until well-designed cohort studies in the general population are available, it remains appropriate to base sodium guidelines on the robust body of evidence linking sodium with elevated blood pressure and the few existing general population trials of the effects of sodium reduction on CVD.” Study authors reviewed cohort studies examining the association between sodium and CVD and identified methodological issues with both the potential to alter the direction of associations and yield false null results.
The Science Advisory may be found here: http://circ.ahajournals.org/content/early/2014/02/10/CIR.0000000000000015.abstract.
Sales of Boston Market Stuffing Increase After Sodium is Reduced After reducing sodium in stuffing by almost 20%, Boston Market saw stuffing sales increase 17%. Recently Boston Market, a chain with 458 restaurants nationwide, announced the company significantly reduced sodium in several key menu items and, by the end of the year, plans to reduce sodium content by 15% on average across its menu. According to a recent article, customers did not notice the sodium reductions when reduced sodium options were tested at select locations. Based on the test findings, Boston Market rolled out the sodium reduction changes in all of the company’s locations. Sodium reductions so far include –
·Mashed potatoes, the company’s most popular side dish, have been reduced in sodium by 26%.
·Poultry gravy has been reduced by 50%.
·Cornbread has been reduced by 30%.
·Meatloaf has been reduced by 18%.
Related to improving the healthfulness of restaurant meals, the Wisconsin Physical Activity and Obesity Program released the “Order Up Healthy” toolkit. The toolkit addresses increasing access to and accessibility of healthful food within and around restaurants. The Toolkit may be found here: http://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/publications/P0/P00562.pdf.