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减盐电子周刊 第二十五期

发布时间: 2015-04-16 | 来源: 中国网 | 作者: 佟静| 责任编辑: 佟静


根据美国心脏协会(AHA ),在降低血压、降低一个人患中风、心脏病、肾损伤等疾病可能的风险方面,起关键作用的是整个饮食,而不单是某种具奇迹功效的食物或是钠摄入的降低。正确的饮食还有可能有助于高血压患者免服降压药物,或是降低用药剂量。约翰斯·霍普金斯大学韦尔奇预防医学、流行病学和临床研究中心主任劳伦斯·阿佩尔不无惋惜地说,上述消息淹没在了学界对于美国人钠的理想摄入量的争论之中。研究表明,饮食习惯,包括钠的摄入量,对血压的变化有显著作用。根据美国心脏协会的说法,最好的饮食是那种针对关键饮食人群强调特定目标的饮食,比如治疗高血压的饮食疗法(DASH)。在研究中,按照高血压饮食疗法摄食的人比起那些吃典型美国饮食的人,在没有减少钠摄入的情况下,血压就得以降低。那些将高血压饮食疗法和降低钠摄入量至每天2300毫克两种办法结合使用的人,血压降低更为明显;而那些既坚持高血压饮食疗法,又将每日钠摄入量降低到1500毫克的人,血压控制的最好。

资讯来源:《今日美国》(USA Today)





市场上新的盐类产品可能来自外国,价格较高,经常可以在高档商场的货架上看到,但它们其实和普通食盐一样,摄入过多也会损害健康。“人们通常选择天然的食材,而避免加工过的食材,以期能够避免钠等防腐剂。但在盐的问题上,所有的盐都是钠,” 临床营养师阿什利.班瑞特 (Ashley Barrient)如是说。“海盐和食盐具有同等的钠含量,尽管大家认为海盐没有像食盐那样经过加工......从健康的角度来看,海盐和食盐的摄入都应该被受到克制,应该被最小化,”班瑞特说。她还指出,许多包装和调理食品含有大量的钠,“我们应当在家做饭,使用新鲜的芳草和调料,而不是使用加工好的食材,并在农贸市场购买新鲜的食材。这样做的越多,我们的整个饮食中的钠摄入就会越低。


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USDA Delays Whole Grains Rule for School Pastas

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will allow some schools to delay adding more whole grains to meals this year, responding to criticism from school nutrition officials and Congress that the standards are too difficult to put in place. USDA said schools can postpone for 2 years a requirement that all pastas in schools be more than half whole grain if they can demonstrate that they have had “significant challenges.” The rules also set sodium, fat, calorie, and sugar limits on foods served in schools. Although many schools have had success putting the rules in place, others have said the rules are too restrictive and costly. At least one member of the Senate Appropriations Committee is expected to offer an appropriations amendment to maintain the current requirement that only 50% of grain products be whole-grain rich and delay upcoming sodium requirements pending scientific research. – Associated Press

The Vegetables Most Americans Eat Are Drowning in Salt and Fat

Americans do not eat as many fruits and vegetables as they should; when they do, they are mainly potatoes and tomatoes—in the forms of French fries and pizza—according to a new report from the USDA. More than half of Americans’ vegetable intake comes from potatoes and tomatoes, whereas only 10% comes from dark green and orange veggies like spinach, carrots, and sweet potatoes. Potatoes are a good source of potassium, but most Americans eat them with added sodium and fat in the form of chips. Tomatoes start out healthy as well, but tomato sauce can contain high amounts of sodium and sugar: Although a cup of raw tomato has about 9 milligrams of sodium, canned tomato sauce can contain more than 1,000 milligrams of sodium per cup, according to the USDA. – NPR

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